Льняное масло для обработки дерева «Лён и дом»

“Len i Dom” linseed oil for wood

Eco-friendly Oil used for processing of wooden surfaces

0.00 Rubles/item*

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Do not eat!


Linseed for oil is a natural material for creating the home of your dream. This tool is for simple operations during maintenance, construction and decoration of the house.

Natural impregnation: it is used for antiseptic, water repellent treatment of wooden surfaces, internal and external woodwork.


  • It is an ecologically friendly, natural and non-toxic product
  • It is safe for contact with food and human skin
  • It gives water-repellent properties to the wood
  • It makes the surface resistant to cracks, drying, peeling, abrasion and fading
  • Prevents the formation of mold and rot of wood
  • It is resistant to elution and insolation
  • Unlike varnishes and paints, oil is deeply absorbed by the wood, improving its properties
  • It emphasizes the natural tone and texture of the wooden surface
  • It can be tinted to any color
  • Processing is simple and fast
  • Any type of wood is suitable for processing
  • It preserves all properties at temperatures below freezing
  • It is easily mixed with warmed-up beeswax, it helps to accelerate drying process and to increase water repellent properties of the surface.

Linseed oil can be used with:

  • Wooden furniture;
  • Wooden dishes: spoons, plates, mugs;
  • Children toys made of wood;
  • Any wooden interior details: doors, handles, window frames, stairs, etc.;
  • External and external surfaces of the log;
  • Wooden celling and floors


100% cold pressed linseed oil produced by mechanical means with filtration and settling.


  1. Mix the oil thoroughly before use;
  2. Surfaces must be free from dust and dirt;
  3. Remove old coating, polish and dry the surface if necessary;
  4. Apply the oil in thin layers with a brush in the direction of wood fibres;
  5. Oil surpluses should be removed from the surface with a cloth.

Consumption: 50-170 g / m2 per one-layer coating.

Drying: 24 hours (when heated to smoke, without boiling).

Interlayer drying: 24 hours.

Without heating it takes 14-21 days for complete drying.

Use at temperatures not lower than +15 °С.




Keep at temperatures below +30 ° C.

Shelf life: 24 months.

Transport and storage: the oil is stored in tightly closed containers in a dry and cool or cold place.

Freezing of product is allowed.